Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Australia The National Broadband Network" report to its offerings.
In a release, Research and Markets noted that report highlights include:
This annual report offers a wealth of information on the trends and developments taking place in the e-government, e-health and e-education sectors. The report analyses the issues surrounding the growth of such services and includes global and regional information. Information on the exciting developments taking place on a regional level is also provided.
Subjects covered include:
-NBN Co and infrastructure;
-Trans-sector thinking, approach and projects;
-Deployment strategies
-Competition and regulations
-E-government market overview, analysis and statistics;
-E-health market overview, analysis and statistics;
-E-education market overview, analysis and statistics.
NBN - Opening up large new investment opportunities
The Australian governments decision to launch a $36 billion national fibre-to-the-home broadband network is an unmistakable indication that broadband has been acknowledged as essential infrastructure. It fulfills a national purpose as its trans-sector multiplier effect delivers massive social and economic benefits in healthcare, education, energy and the environment.
A digital economy requires an open broadband infrastructure, and for that infrastructure to work it is essential that it be built by a national utility (in Australia, NBN). There certainly remain questions concerning the details of the business model; however widespread support exists for the visionary plan.
The most important ingredient in the success of the Australian National Broadband Network is NBN Company. It is making the critical architecture and design decisions that will form the basis of the new infrastructure for at least the next 25 years.
It is essential for the network to facilitate the vision laid down by the government, which includes multiple use of the network by other sectors such as healthcare, education, energy, etc.
Government legislation and regulatory oversight by the ACCC will ensure that it remains an infrastructure company and does not become another telco.
This report also discusses issues around technologies such as the points of interconnect, network operation centres, the optical network terminal and IPTV versus RF video.
New applications
The Australian government is also leading the way in strategic trans-sector thinking, linking e-health developments to the NBN. Early diagnosis and after-treatment patient monitoring are two areas where significant synergies may be found, using applications provided to users at home.
As the financing of the Australian public health systems becomes increasingly costly an opportunity exists to lower these costs through more effective use of web services for healthcare consumers. With widely available and cost-effective high-speed broadband infrastructure e-health will be in a position to enable all customers to benefit from advances in medical technology and medical services.
Over the next five years the use of IT and telecommunications technology within educational environments will also increase, as high-speed fibre-based broadband becomes widely available in Australia. Simultaneously, the capability of Internet services in relation to e-education is set to increase enormously over the next decade as well. To a large extent this trend will be driven by schools, universities and their educational staff.
With its large landmass and relatively small population Australia is an ideal market for remote education services. As such Australia is home to many successful e-education service providers, as well as being a relatively important market for e-education services.
The Australian government already offers its citizens e-government services and, as with education, the establishment of a fibre-based broadband network may see the government improve and broaden the range of web services for which it is responsible.
Australia, therefore, is a fascinating and relatively advanced market for both e-education and e-government services. This report discusses related telecommunications infrastructure developments as well as trends and innovations related to the e-education and e-government services.
Many exciting developments will take place in 2011 in the area of smart grids. These developments will stimulate others to move on from demonstration projects and to progress from smart meter rollouts to smart grids.
Data in this report is the latest available at the time of preparation and may not include the current year.
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